JVRD Distinguished Contributor Awards

The ASRS is pleased to recognize members who are active contributors to the Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases through the JVRD Distinguished Contributor Awards Program. 

Participants accumulate points for their submissions and/or peer reviews toward recognition as Distinguished Contributors (5 points earned) or Master Contributors (15 points earned). The program is cumulative and new recipients are recognized annually on the ASRS website and in JVRD website. They also receive an official award certificate from the ASRS. 

Point Structure

Original paper:

  • 1 point for submission  
  • 2 points for acceptance  

Case or Case Series:

  • 1 point for submission
  • 1 point for acceptance
Peer review:
  • 1 point for completed peer review


Awardees receive:

  • Award certificate
  • Recognition in JVRD and on ASRS and JVRD websites
  • Recognition at the ASRS Annual Meeting